Started a 16 Week challenge to get six pack abs. go to for info on the program. Aside from the program, I also do Weighlifting, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and High Intensity Interval Training on the treadmill.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Six Pack Challenge

I signed up at Arnel Ricafranca's website . I found his site back in June/July, through a video from Youtube.

His Website is a great motivation for me since I was about 20lbs overweight and not feeling so well while eating junk food, soda, and other bad stuff. From June until Semptember, I lost almost 15-18 lbs of fat, using tips and some of the workouts in his program.

Arnel and Joe then posted a challenge. The SIX PACK challenge group is at . There are over 100 participants in this challenge from all over the world! I'm not going for the prize in this challenge. I'm in it more for a better lifestyle and overall health, plus a six-pack would be nice too. :)

My stats in June 2007:

Age 34
Height 5'6"
Weight 170lbs
BMI 26.0

My Stats at the beginning of the six pack challenge Sept 1, 2007:

Age 35
Weight 153lbs
BMI 24.0

Week 1 (Sept 1): Weight 153lbs.


Anonymous said...

welcome aboard joe. You are gonna look great in another 12 weeks.keep it up.
p.s. I love good like a moth to a faint bulb.

Sam said...

Looking GREAT!! Wow... definition is showing =]


MannyRSX said...

Wow, great job. You'r really getting there man. One of the best results i've seen.

Keep it up!