Started a 16 Week challenge to get six pack abs. go to for info on the program. Aside from the program, I also do Weighlifting, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and High Intensity Interval Training on the treadmill.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Getting ready for week 5

Sunday Sept 30 2007.

I did some interval training today and went swimming at the gym. Did 5 minutes of warmups. Then 5 sets of: 2 laps medium and 1 lap super fast with very little rest in between (about 10 seconds). Then 5 minutes of cooldown laps. Felt great!

I plan on doing intervals again on Wednesday but will run this time. I find that it works better for me to alternate swimming and running for intervals. Swimming, I noticed, gives me good upper body muscle tone while burning fat. Interval running is a great overall fat burner.


Iambatman said...

Dude, you're doing awesome.

You already have the good core body to work with.

Keep it up man!!!!

Anonymous said...

batman is right. youy core looks preety solid. keep up the hard work for us.we need ppl to look up to!

MannyRSX said...

Damn! looking good man!
Keep going im sure those sixpacks are like hours away =D good job