Started a 16 Week challenge to get six pack abs. go to for info on the program. Aside from the program, I also do Weighlifting, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and High Intensity Interval Training on the treadmill.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

End of Week 11 Pics

Jiu Jitsu bruises

abs flexed

Weight is down to 150lbs. Bruises healed up a bit and decided to post some pics. Noticed the body is more slender and less bulky. I think I might have lost some muscle mass but getting more cut. The added HIIT workouts plus Jiu Jitsu training is working wonders. 5 more weeks to go. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

This is the routine that has been working for me so far:

Sunday - Workout with weights at the gym followed by HIIT (treadmill)
Monday - Martial Arts (Jiu Jitsu includes 20-30 minutes of intense grappling so its also HIIT)
Tuesday - Resistance Training at home with some ab work
Wednesday - Marial Arts again with 20-30 minutes of intense grappling
Thursday - Resistance Training at home with ab work
Friday - Workout with weights at the gym followed by HIIT (treadmill)
Saturday - Rest, ahhhhh


Iambatman said...

You're kicking some ass man!!

Good job. Keep it up.

Sammy said...

Hi, you've really made good progress. How's your nutrtion like do you count calories?

jjeagle said...

thank you. I used to count calories when i used a daily calorie required calculator from but now, i don't count calories anymore. The muscles take care of the fatburning now as long as I keep doing resistance and HIIT and eating clean. Also, I just follow arnel's sample diet plan and also my current diet plan which i posted earlier on my blog.

I do drink 3 protein shakes a day. 1 Casein Protein in the AM, 1 Whey Prot after workout, and 1 Casein Prot again before bed. Both kinds are Optimum Nutrition Brand. I also add 5grams of Glutamine powder to my shakes. That helps prevent muscle breakdown.

Sammy said...

I see! thanks for your help! I just stumbled upon arnel's site and then yours and I'm gonna start the workouts and stuff.

Thanks again.

Btw drop by my blog when you have the time

jjeagle said...

thanks Christy, you are right. so i removed that line. hehe ;)

Andres Trujillo said...

You are looking Rock solid!!!