Started a 16 Week challenge to get six pack abs. go to for info on the program. Aside from the program, I also do Weighlifting, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and High Intensity Interval Training on the treadmill.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

End of Week 7 Pics

Still the same weight at 151 lbs. Although i was trying to gain some muscle weight by doubling the scoops of my protein drinks. Hopefully i gained some muscle, it is hard to tell. Body fat is down to 11.7% Ate lean and clean again the past week. And worked hard on HIIT. Almost half way there. Keep up the good work to my AB groupmates!!


Sickofthegut said...

great job bro! If I can get to what you look like now when Im at week 16 I will be happy!

I start week 9 tomorrow, and my added weight lifting, so I'll let you know how that goes!!

Keep it up bro, your body fat % is awesome!

Anonymous said...

nice...very nice...
you are lean like a fish bro..
not carved from wood just yet but lookin awsome. i would also love to look like that by w 16